Axis: Bold as Love

Axis: Bold as Love

Jimi Hendrix



Announcer (Mitch Mitchell):
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome to radio station EXP.
Tonight we are featuring an interview
with a very peculiar looking gentleman
who goes by the name of Mr. Paul Corusoe
on the dodgy subject of
are there or are there not flying saucers or UFOs?
Please Mr. Corusoe, could you give us
your regarded opinion on this nonsense
about spaceships
and even space people?
Locutor (Mitch Mitchell):
>Buenas noches, damas y caballeros.
>Bienvenidos a radio EXP.
>Esta noche les ofrecemos una entrevista
>con un caballero de apariencia extraña
>que se hace llamar Paul Corusoe
>sobre una cuestión controvertida:
>¿hay o no hay platillos volantes u ovnis?
>Por favor, Sr. Corusoe, ¿podría darnos
>su valiosa opinión sobre esta superchería
>acerca de naves espaciales
>e incluso gente del espacio?
Mr. Corusoe (Jimi Hendrix):
Thank you. As you all know,
you just can't believe everything
you see and hear, can you?
Now, if you'll excuse me, I must be on my way.
Sr. Corusoe (Jimi Hendrix):
>Gracias. Como todos sabéis,
>uno no debe creerse todo
>lo que ve y oye, ¿no es cierto?
>Ahora, si me disculpa, he de seguir mi camino.
Bu... but, but... I don't believe it.
>Pe... pero, pero... Yo no me lo creo.